How can I access up to 16GB memory on PL memory under Petalinux?
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How can I access up to 16GB memory on PL memory under Petalinux?
I'm doing memory test project on petalinux os using MPSOC Ultrascale+(xczu17eg-ffvb1517) . (vivado verion : 18.2 ) I want to access DDR4 Memory up to 16GB on PL Memory, but i only access up to 1GB using petalinux modules. Here is the details of my project:
3) Petalinux OS 3-1) cd /lib/module/4.xx/extra 3-2) insmod module.ko 3-2-1)IF( TEST_SIZE == 1GB) --> Sucess to access on PL Memory else if ( TEST_SIZE >= 1.5GB ) --> Can not access to memory.
How can I do for memory access up to 16GB ? I have not changed any options of petalinux because I am a beginner. ( ex. pl.dtsi or zynqmp.dtsi) Please let me know anything~!! Thanks for any help!